Looks like were branching out

seems not to many of my members play Blockland much anymore so we are branching out to other games which include Minecraft, Quake 3 arena, Star wars Battlefront 2 online, and TF2. our clan tag for Blockland has also changed to SFBL and is not a private-er clan than before only including players from Florida we decided to make it exclusive to them.

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Looks like were on youtube

i put our clan on youtube so after this post ill post afew vids.

you can go to the channel by searching ArthurTheFarmer or by going here http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ5CtjJYh9-ev0IPGQnPqkw

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well we are gonna reset all members and you must rejoin the clan. ORPA also has its own meeting server once you join you will be given the password for it.

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bit of an update

i just added a admin trainer to the farm rpg so its much easier to earn admin because we have a shortage of admins

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New Things…

we have a new gamemode made and were currently expanding forest dm to finaly finish it. details on forest dm we have added the extra space, cabin, and half the mountian, but we need to add the walls and spawns.

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RTB costum icon tutorial

i found this scrolling on forums made a few for me and now im giving the link to the clan to help you understand how rtb works with costomising items.

link: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=202791.0

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Now on Steam

the ORPA clan is now on steam as a group if you want join it if you dont then dont but its there

link: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/ORPAatblockland/

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Farm RPG history

the first farm RPg made with VCE events was made by J_master after seeing it Waldo made one with VCE aswell, after that a scripted one was made by Xalos for a short time then the others are mine and Meggey’s wich are based off waldos and we give him credit the last one wich was never public was  LT. Jamergaman’s wich was scripted aswell. the one who make Farm RPG’s  i call farmers but its not caching on but i like to give recognition bacuse alot of work goes into these types of RPG’s. there are only 6 farmers i wish we had a bigger group to represent us.

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new projects

new ideas arose so we are now working on a cabin and hills for the forest dm and makeing the enviorment file correct for the gamemode but work hard clan members

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How to make weapons

i did it finaly i found a milkshape tutorial to make blockland addons its hard but this is the thing that will take our clan to the next level here is the link http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=78760.0

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Making Music, Decals, and ColorSets


for making music you need to get a program called adacity and a program called atube cacher http://audacity.sourceforge.net/ with a tube catcher http://atube-catcher.en.softonic.com/ you record audio from youtube and adacity is used to edit it and make it a loop one thing the music you record must be in a wav music file wich you can pick on atube cacher. the rest of the turtorial is here http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=207380.0 i have never made a music pack but i have the general idea of how to but i dont cause i dont find music nessiciary for blockland.


decals are very simple all you need to do is make somthing on paint then save it as a png file and then change the size to a 512×512 and a 64×64(for the thumb) next add a discription then review it and make sure it works but befor you do it check out the refrence READ IT http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=40574.0


not realy much to it just use this turtorial http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=103885.0 and use this program http://www.colorschemer.com/online.html and just write it on a text doc . there is realy not much to it its just you must learn it on your own so…


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Gamemode Tutorial


now to make a gamemode you need to go to RTB and make a add-on group then after take a exsisting gamemode and rename it then you must rewrite the addons to load with the RTB group just type ADDON then the small text under the groups addon sub heading should look like this in the text doc ADDON Weapon_Gun (all spaces are replaced with underscores _) next edit the minigame using 0 as in no and 1 as in yes in the minigame options. next edit the enviorment i only know simple so you type the enviorment folder name and then what it is infront of it. by now you should be done with the add ons to load doc now you need to make a discription just write a sumary (NOTE: it will appear on the gamemode menue) next make a thumb picture and a preview picture. then add the preview picture. next add a color set go to a chosen color set folder and in it there will be a text doc name colorSet just copy it into the gamemode folder.last paste the save text doc and ba boom your done for more help on pic size and more go to http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=203327.0 it is all you need to know and rotondo is the one to go to for more questions.

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New Goals

Ok our clan is expanding not just to being a rp clan we are now involving ourselvs in dm’s and tdm’s

so far the list of made games in the clan are

Farm RPG

Salvage DM

School RP

Hogwartz RP

City RP

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New Gamemodes

Yes our clan made 2 gamemodes they are not to be posted on fourms only clan members may use them they are not private but not public mods so tell your friend but not on fourms. here are the page links

Single player Farm RPG: https://orpaatblockland.wordpress.com/game-mode-single-player-farm-rpg/

Salvage: https://orpaatblockland.wordpress.com/salvage-gamemode/

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Clan Friends

Our clan is now friends with another clan udc Ultimate Derping Clan also some what part of our clan is TFE The Farming Eletes wich is farm lovers who love farm rpg’s right now TFE does not have its own fourms so they use ORPA fourms UDC has its own site but all there info will also be posted here.

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